Episode 15: We Inherited Healing


“We have to cast down the mechanism of forced resilience and emotional bypassing and allow ourselves to heal. We need to prioritize our happiness and well-being first. As we do that, energetically we create healing and freedom for our entire lineage past, present and future.”

-Devi Brown


We're back! It’s officially Black History Month 2021 in the US and Canada, and recently President Biden signed executive actions to help work towards racial equity in our nation. These recent "happenings" and my recent exploration of the film series, Small Axe by Steve McQueen, got me thinking about racial justice issues and generational trauma and healing.

In this episode we'll:

  • Discuss generational trauma.

  • Explore generational healing.

  • Hear journal prompts to help us on our healing journeys.


Episode 16: We Apply Balms and Sweet Oils On Our Scars | Healing Internalized Racism


Episode 14: Building Resilience and Hope